Category Archives: Tour

On Death and Depravity – A Charleston Ghost Tour Review

Charleston, South Carolina is one of America’s most haunted cites.  Depending on the year, it is usually ranked number two in hauntings just after Savannah, Georgia.  The city is over 350 years old.  Being a city that is on the forefront of American history, the city has had plenty of events that have spawned stories of tragedy, crime, supernatural events. The best way to learn about the haunted and unusual history of Charleston is thru one of the many ghost tours operators.  I was invited to check a Charleston ghost tour called On Death and Depravity: The Tour by Ghost City. Continue Reading . . .

Spotlight Thursday – Amusment that never came to Pripyat, Ukraine

Every Thursday, I will be posting a photo from my travels and a spotlight on the location. Today’s Spotlight Thursday is from my dark tourism tour of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.  Pripyat, Ukraine was a  hip young city in Ukraine that was virtually unknown outside of the region.  That anonymity was elevated to infamy in the early hours of  26 April 1986.  Just a few miles away from the city was the V.I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station (Cherynbol, the Soviets couldn’t call it the Lenin disaster after all). Continue Reading . . .