Tag Archives: England

Tricks to Travelling with No Plan

I don’t like plans and reservations. They mean I am committed to an committed to being at a certain place at a certain time. I know that there are some people who like to know exactly what they are doing as it makes things easier for you. For example, I have one friend who likes to use a company like NetJets to make sure that they will have an easy and enjoyable experience when it comes to flying. However, I know that with this form of travel you need to be a bit more organised. My travel style is free flowing and a desire to follow the whim of the moment. Travelling without hostels and activities pre-arranged is scary and has some risk. I generally plan as I go. I will book hostels and tours the night before. It’s a good day when have stuff booked two days in advance. Sometimes places are full and things can go wrong but I have never been completely in over my head. I have never been left to sleep without a roof over my head. Here are my tips and tricks to prevent complete disaster while travelling with no plan. Continue Reading . . .