Tag Archives: Pi Day

14 Traditional Pies from Around the World – Year 3

How about a slice of pie?  Are you looking for the perfect pie to make for the greatest math holiday?  It is 3.14 day or as its better know in math circles Pi Day.  Mostly it is an excuse for math geeks to get together and eat pie (or circular shaped items).  π is still one of the most interesting numbers in all of design and math.  It is used in many equations to solve the problems of the world.  Such as Einstein’s field equation of general relativity. Continue Reading . . .

14 Traditional Pies from Around the World

Who doesn’t love pie?  Who doesn’t love an excuse to eat more pie?  Every year, math fans from around the world gear up to celebrate their favorite Pi related holiday.  That’s right math fans and pie fans gear up every year to celebrate π.  π is a magical number that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.  Pi is an irrational number that has been calculated out to 2.7 trillion digits.  Most Pi fans just go with 3.14 which stands for March 14.  My favorite pi day was it 2015 when the date was 3.14.15 which happens to be the first 6 digits of pi.   At 3.14.15 at 9:26 am, the first eight digits of pi were displayed on clocks.  This event happens once an every 100-years.  Here are 14 traditional pies from around the world to celebrate Pi day. Continue Reading . . .